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Content Marketing Coordinator, Tauranga


When I first came to Diane I was having almost daily migraines triggered from work, socialising, and any minor stress that would come up. Just getting through the normal day left me absolutely exhausted and I felt like any spare time had to be spent resting just to get ahead energy wise for the next day. My body felt very fragile to the point where I'd avoid doing some of the things I love - like a big day spent surfing or taking day trips with my husband and friends because it took too much of a toll on me physically which I knew would trigger migraines. I was also really struggling with painful acne across my forehead, back, and chest. 

The first couple weeks on Diane’s program she started me on the blood list which made a noticeable difference to my energy levels. After about 3 months with Diane I started to notice a difference in the frequency and intensity of my migraines. By 3-4 months I was able to socialise without triggering a migraine! That was my first big breakthrough. I also saw an improvement in my acne, which had gone down considerably on my face. Then I caught covid which set my progress back a bit - but with Diane’s help we were able to get back on track. 

Prior to coming to Diane I was in denial about how much I was struggling. Now, ~7 months after working with Diane I look back and know what a normal functioning human feels like and that person 7 months ago was not it! During the program  - there were a couple moments of breakthrough but for the most part I just had to trust the process.  Slowly, the tiniest changes took place. They were so small that I kind of took them for granted and it wasn't until after a few months I’d look back or reflect with Diane and realise how far I’d come. Now, the frequency and intensity of my migraines have gone down considerably - to almost nothing. And, when the pre-cursor symptoms do start to show up I know what to do to head it off. 

It is definitely a journey and I’m glad and grateful to have been able to stick to the program for as long as I did to ultimately create the best results for my body. 

Big thank you Diane for your deep care and deep consideration for my needs. I felt like you advocated for me, helped me find clarity in the struggle, and helped clear the path towards getting back to normal. I’m so grateful to have worked with you!

DISCLAIMER: Information on this website is provided as general information only about our service and approach to migraine management. It isn’t intended as medical advice or diagnosis, and shouldn’t be relied on as a substitute for medical advice from a health professional.

Any recommendations of functional foods and teas and quantities are also for general information only. Some functional foods and teas mentioned on the website have contraindications and should only be consumed following advice from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

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